Right across from our ship is the local Akureyri International Airport

Following the nation’s 2008 financial crisis, Iceland’s second city, which sits on the doorstep of the Arctic Circle, implemented a simple yet elegant approach to lifting the communal spirit: transforming the city’s harsh red traffic lights into radiating red hearts. More than just a gimmick to get residents through a tough time, the heart-shaped traffic lights have become permanent fixtures of the city.

This is a better picture mine was taken through the windows of the bus.

Our first tour today (yes we are scheduled to have 2) is the "Waterfall of the Gods" & Icelandic Farm Life

Heading over to the 'farm" church

This pulpit was so well carved-we had to take a picture.

Notice again how the roofs are made of grass. We even saw some people cutting their roofs.

Sharon and I went inside these "huts" which were their homes. They were small, but fit the bill for their time in Iceland.

Now we move off to the Waterfall of the Gods. I was able to take pictures from both sides of the falls. If you'll notice how close the people get to the water and experience the event.

This is the tourist shop at Godafoss Falls.

This shot was taken on that bridge on the previous photo

Once back on the ship, we decided to not do the second tour and just rest and read a book.

Looking out over the water as we leave another port in Iceland

Now to get ready for supper at Italian tonight.


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